Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Inside Zoo!

I've got a zoo inside me,
just jumpin' to get out.
Then my mommy says,
"Please quit hopping through the house!"

And then I try to tell her
'bout the naughty zoo inside,
when my jumpin' all around
makes Sis and me collide!

"I said, 'Quit hopping through the house!'"
says my mama (kind of loud!)
So I hop around OUTSIDE,
trying not to make a sound!

Without even planning it,
I find myself back IN...
And before I know it,
I'm in trouble once again!

This time it was the lion!
He HAD to say his speech!
He roared so loud and long
that he was heard for blocks
for weeks!

And so I'm sittin' in the corner
Trying hard to make me smile,
But the naughty monkey in me
Is scheming all the while!

He starts pullin' on the lamp cord
and swingin' in through the air!
And before I can catch him,
he somersaults over a chair!

My mom and dad come running
as swiftly as the deer.
But that naughty monkey in me?
He runs away and hides in fear!

I try to tell my daddy
that it isn't me at all.
But he just looked at me and said,
"It's a good thing you're so small!"

I try to tell my mommy
'bout this naughty "inside zoo",
but she just shakes her head
and heaves a sigh or two.

So, you see, this zoo inside me
is a problem I have found...
And I get into trouble
every time I turn around!

But then I go to bed,
And soon I fall asleep!
And the zoo-man cages them
and tells me it's for keeps!

Sure! (In my dreams!)

But, he says that it will happen.
He claims the day will dawn
when I'll grow and truly find
this zoo inside me--GONE!

by Charlotte Howard Saben
1978-Aug. 3

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

There Are NO Alligators In This House!

Caleb peeked through the blinds onto the upper patio. “Yes, “ he said, “I think I see an alligator!”

Zach joined him, “Yep! I think I see an alligator too!”

Older and wiser brother Tyler, pulling the blinds away, gazed onto the patio. “There are NO alligators in this house!” He proclaimed. “There are simply NO alligators allowed in this house!”

“I think I see…no, I HEAR an alligator!” Caleb continued to announce his concern. “I heard it growl.”

All three boys listened quietly for a moment.

Sure enough! There definitely was a growl!

“EEEKK!” screamed Zach. “He’s gonna get us!”

“Yeah,” chimed in Caleb, “He’ll eat us up!”

“I’m telling you guys there ARE NO alligators in this house!” Tyler hoped that he was right in declaring the house alligator-free.

“Chomp, chomp”

“I hear it! I hear it!” Both younger boys raced to cover themselves up with the pillows on the couch.

Tyler heard something too.

“Grr!" There it was again, accompanied by another odd gurgling sound, and a definite “Chomp!”

Tyler checked under the couch.

No alligators there!

He ran to the bathroom and peeked behind the shower curtain.

No alligators there either!

None! No way!

While Zach and Caleb screeched, giggled, and yelled, Tyler bravely searched the house.

“I told you there are NO alligators in this house!”

This time he was sure it was true.

And, it seemed the growling had stopped.

A faint chomping, though, could still be heard when all the boys were finally perfectly still.

Then a weird honking sort of sound began!

“Honk! Snork! Honk!”

“Uh-oh!” Caleb said. “It’s getting louder! It MUST be an alligator!”

“I hope it isn’t hungry,” said Tyler, not quite sure what to think, but protecting the younger boys, armed with a cardboard brick.

Just then GRANDMA came around the corner, chomping on gum, and blowing her nose between sneezes!

“Hey, Boys! It’s time for lunch! My tummy’s growling already!”


All the boys burst out giggling!

Tyler said, “See, I told you there are NO alligators in this house,
but there IS a very noisy GRANDMA!”

by Charlotte Saben, AKA Grandma the Alligator
For Caleb, Tyler, and Zach- October 14, 2007